Day: John Erdmann

The “MAVERICK too”!

Dear Readers, Now things are really getting started when it comes to boat optimization 🙂 Last weekend I was in Stavoren with my father. Within one and a half days we have made the contest “our” Ship made. It looks completely different from, right like…

For Sale: Ship experience

Dear Readers, as might be expected “Gipsy Girl” now on sale. I have advertised in several online exchanges boat, but also on Ebay. Now we look forward, how quickly a new owner takes. Gleich am ersten Tag haben sich sogar…

The New, the Old

Dear Readers, there is joyful news. We have found a ship. 🙂 If you've been following this blog for a while now, is probably the same in the next paragraph, the hands meet above the head, shake your head or just go loud…

Hull looked

Dear Readers, on the way to Catis father (New Year's Day visit) Today we have looked at a steel hull. Good thing, receive complete and super stainless. This is the bow already expanded, an almost new machine and a mast-blank while. Wir könnten direkt…

Besides charges have been nothing

It sounded like the bargain of the decade: Eine Contessa 32 for 14.000 Euro. The ship has always been one of my dream boats, since I 2007 zusammen mit dem Australier Nick Jaffe auf dessen Contessa 26 entlang der britischen Südküste und…


Dear Readers, Today we finally have the boat eingewintert. As early as three weeks, it went without our help and thanks to our lovely harbor-master ashore Harald. Ich hatte an den Wochenenden am Stand der YACHT auf der Hanseboot ganz gut…