Soon moving pictures!

Dear Readers, Today, even a bit of technology: Two days ago I bought a new video camera. I tremble still, because for many years, I have not spent so much money for something, das ich nicht auch sofort…

A joyful delivery

Dear Readers, this morning, I just found myself between a shower and door, surprisingly, the postman rang at the door. “They are Mr. Erdmann?”, he asked, “I'm here for you.” Auf dem Kartondeckel stachen zwei große Buchstaben…


Dear Readers, here are still as an addendum to last post Catis some sequences, The way I've shot with the Nikon. Films are an integral part of this website, so I'm trying to buy a real HD video camera. Meine letzte…

In some packages Ærø

  Dear Readers, relatively long time there was nothing to read, obwohl wir in der Zwischenzeit ein sehr schönes Segelwochenende auf Ærø verlebt und unendlich viele Fotos geschossen haben. Das hat zwei Gründe: Zum einen ist Johannes gerade für die YACHT in der…

Finally under sail!

Dear Readers, The last weeks were once again very turbulent. I travel a lot for the YACHT have been, by the way have some building on the boat. Last weekend, Cati and I were then finally sailing for three days and times!…

Small Steps Forward

Dear Readers, at the traffic curve in Google Analytics I can see: It's slow time again, to type a few lines. Also los: This past weekend was a turbulent. Just 1.400 km, has carried me my old golf, brave and reliable….