Category: Video

Life rafting on the Schlei

Dear Readers, last week we are back from holidays in Sweden - and now I had all sorts of back to the ears, so far I have not found the time, to sift through the pictures and make movies zighundert. Vorab nun…

The countdown is on …

Dear Readers, in 24 Hours Cati and I sit on the boat. A cold beer in hand and a happy grin on his face. Two weeks of vacation ahead of us. Incomprehensible. A long time. Bislang habe ich das ganze…


Dear Readers, here are still as an addendum to last post Catis some sequences, The way I've shot with the Nikon. Films are an integral part of this website, so I'm trying to buy a real HD video camera. Meine letzte…

Craft Weekend Part II

Dear Readers, more HERE: Saturday morning it immediately goes to the assembly of the spark. Plus and minus celling is not a problem, But even on the old boat I did not get it, to allow the radio to communicate with the GPS….

A little souvenir ...

Also, If I've learned in my training, Never start with a quote: “We sailors are already a strange species. In the morning, at breakfast, we still consider, if we eat two rolls, or maybe just one, um ein wenig zu…

Her early life

I've already hinted at some points, that our boat has already seen a few thousand miles on his back, and much of the world. She does not look really well at, that she is no ordinary boat series. The story…