

Nach mehr als einer Woche in Dartmouth ist immer noch kein Wetterfenster für den Sprung nach Spanien in Sicht, dashalb legen wir heute ab, um zwischen zwei Tiefdruckgebieten nach Frankreich zu huschen. 145 Seemeilen und eine Nachtfahrt liegen vor uns. From there it's just over three hundred miles to Spain.

It's pouring rain at the moment. Shit!


Many thanks to all the encouraging emails for the last blog post – and also for your contribution to the coffee fund! You really helped us through a dry spell. Everything is getting better in Spain (and cheaper) … In any case, we were very happy and will reply to all emails. So far, the internet connection just hasn't made it possible, because England is still in the last century in terms of WiFi technology 😉

We report from France!

John and Cati