An empty dock

The bridge floats again. At least twice a day - in between because he is always dry at low tide. But at least we have something floating in front of the door, in the evening you can sit with a beer and look into the distance, the flow behind. Now the only thing missing “Maverick” before ...

But the boat has been almost two months nothing happens. The reason is a mountain of work, I have saddled me. In the past eight weeks, I have used every free hour to, to revise a manual for the Delius Klasing Verlag. One Full-Time Job. Monday I have to leave now - and then it finally goes further by boat. I can't wait 🙂

The work of the next few weeks is relatively monotonous: Sharpen, sharpen, sharpen. But with each microns, we clear away from the fuselage (and of course build it later all the more), we come departure a little closer.


Bridge launching is from John Erdmann on Vimeo.