The world is a village ...

Friday night we went in Brunsbüttel as the fourth ship in one package. The crew of the Hallberg Rassy 42 “Enjoy” took our lines to be happy. Over the rail, we arrived just this week: They had taken over the ship just in Rendsburg and planned, North Sea to continue. Somehow I got the ship from the same known. So many HR 42, are also rigged as a ketch, Finally, it is not. “From somewhere I know the ship” I could tell the new owner - but I no longer knew where. Only today it dawned on me: From St. Lucia! That klar! The “Enjoy” lying in the harbor, next to the Dinghidock. Every day I drove past her. The previous owner was also a German at that time in the process, to lay a new teak deck - which is why the deck was under a tarpaulin.

In my photo archives I soon found. The picture below shows greatly increased (and therefore very pixelated) the bridge, was on the ship. Clearly visible, the curved “It” of “Enjoy”. Just amazing. That was six years ago... and now I happen to be walking alongside in Brunsbüttel 😉
