On the way to New York – Day 1

Dear Readers,

24 Hours, we are now just go and have a hour period of 110
NM ersegelt. That's not really award-worthy. But if
considering the wind, yesterday and this morning we had,
this is really good! With only 6-8 Knots was blowing yesterday, as we
Main and genoa from the Fishing Bay sailed out. Fortunately,
but at least the little bit of wind from the north, pushed us along with the
Electricity and around 5,5 Knots throughout the 40 Miles up the Chesapeake Bay
down. At the mouth of the bay there is a somewhat 20 km bridge,
which is at two points to a tunnel. The bridge itself is only about
10 Feet above the water and therefore large vessels they
can happen, to access for example to Norfolk, where
a large naval base located, did you look for it instead of the
To increase bridge just opted for a tunnel. A quirky
Picture. I have not seen anything, but it was very impressive,
The truck suddenly disappear on the high bridge in the ground and
to see pop up on the other side.
Against 20 Clock evening we passed the tunnel / bridge and sailed out
the Atlantic. The wind shifted to southwest, drifted further with approximately 8
Node and pushed and with leisurely 4,5 Node to the northeast.
We have on board for a bit from the normal
4-Hour surveillance clock deviant watch plan decided: Of 22-1 Clock
woke yesterday Egi, I then took the guard of 1-4 Clock, then
Egi von 4-7 Clock, between breakfast together – and now I have
just my last waking hour during my 8-13 Clock Guard. Advantage
is, so at night we have an hour less, tags over an hour
longer be able to sleep and at peak times, Breakfast, Noon- and
Dinner, together can eat. This prevents, that – as
many already happened to a – after weeks at sea to another port
arrives, by the alternating cycles wax not seen for weeks
and has surprised, dass man doch kein Einhandsegler ist 😉

Now the wind has turned, comes precisely from North. Counterclaim. Stupid. But with
10 Knots. At first we could only run course east, after only a turning
West Course, now we run about 330 Grad. That helps a bit. We
can only hope, that the wind turns further, and we do not
have to cross all the way to New York!

Parallel to this text, I call just about shortwave a weather map
down. I'm curious, what the. The weather is definitely
warm, sunny, gorgeous. Now only wind from the right
Direction, Please!

Unsere Position: 37 Grad 40 Minutes north, 075 Grad 14,5 Minutes West.



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